Uni SMPS 300W


New member
it.s very good smps...
i pushed it hard to 220 watt(it's 200 watt) and it had only 0.7 volts voltage drop...
at a half brige pc smps(mje13009) can i conect another transformer in parallel in order to take the voltage i want?


New member
Thi acca,

I use original e16 and original ei33, i want to know how many turns and what wire i can use, for me try rewind the trafo e16. Understand?


New member
This is my SMPS on IR2153S


New member
Oh very nice,but you didn't need high value caps at output.Use 10u for 1A for output,and 1u per 1W for input.If you use high value output caps,Fet's will blow up because of high current at start.


New member
Hi, is there any one in this forum that know how to rewind the t2 using the e16 or e19?
i need to know the the wire and how many turns for use in the uni 300w,
if anyone know how do do it explaing please, if possible send a picture with explanation.
i'm waiting.


New member
Thank you acca about your sharing.
I will make it.
Please wait my posting UNI smps and after that SMPS3K.



New member
Hey guys, I made it work! I just removed the capacitor at the entrance. (100n).

But it has no power! I put a 50 ohm resistance on the 34v secondary and got only 14v :(
It's like only some miliampers.

What can the problem be?



New member
Thank you! Now I got 3A.
IT's not even 100w but it's something hehe.

I loved the simplicity of your project Acca! Thanks for helping me.


New member
I need help. I can't get more than 80w from it. I tried to double the wiring in the secondary but it doesn't change anything.
I'm using 13.8v and when I apply some load, the voltage drops a lot!