Group Buy 2KW Class-H Amplifier


New member
i would also like to build this amp. Any more pcb available?
i have 2pcs 700va 39-0-39 toroids. Would i be able to power it? if yes how much rms @ 4ohms. thanks


New member
Thanks mj777 for the email instructions. I am starting to put together the power supplies. What is the 2x18 vac for, also can you send the schematic?

joseph r

New member
Hi finally got PCB from other member who didnt had time to build this amp.
Now buying components and did read that opto for clip must be of certain manufacturer. Wich one work in this design?
He also sent me all info he got trough email from MJ777 like pics of transistor orientation, BOM, display board schem, psu schem and mods like R43 , R39, Q14, Q16.
But is there any actual schematic with values?
And about QMOS1 and 2 on schematic is FDH3632 but on BOM is IRFP260 wich one is good? Why the change?
Also Q17 is BTL169 on schematic and MCR100-8 on BOM ? Why the change?

I would like to learn how this work so any info i aprecilove.


Staff member
Hi finally got PCB from other member who didnt had time to build this amp.
Now buying components and did read that opto for clip must be of certain manufacturer. Wich one work in this design?
He also sent me all info he got trough email from MJ777 like pics of transistor orientation, BOM, display board schem, psu schem and mods like R43 , R39, Q14, Q16.
But is there any actual schematic with values?
And about QMOS1 and 2 on schematic is FDH3632 but on BOM is IRFP260 wich one is good? Why the change?
Also Q17 is BTL169 on schematic and MCR100-8 on BOM ? Why the change?

I would like to learn how this work so any info i aprecilove.



1- that opto for clip must be of certain manufacturer , YES, I cannot remember witch manufacturer, but that chip used to be WHITE plastic package.

2- There is no actual schematics with values printed on them, Sorry.

3- QMOS1, QMOS2 use IRFP260, they will work just perfect.

4- Q17 is a thyristor, so use any one and do some testings.

FYI, that project came as is, and MJ777 had full success into it, please send him PM, and he will replay.

But if you need anything, also I am here, so dont worry



Hi Joseph,

I am the designer of that amp and friend of Microsim who owns the rights for this amp.

The opto coupler used should from Fairchild only.


For thyristor you can user MCR-100, 2N6565 or BT169


New member
Hi Joseph, I'm sure you will like the sound of this amp and it is very powerful, just be sure about the orientation of the transistors and build the protection circuit first before anything else as per Microsim recommendation.



joseph r

New member
This is what I have so far

I need to put drivers, heatsink, some chips and PSU.

I have a +-55/+-110V psu and +-15V aux supply . What would be a safe procedure to test this amp? What is the steady state current of output transistors ?
I have a big auto transformer so I could start at low voltage for HV and LV like how much?



Staff member
This is what I have so far

I need to put drivers, heatsink, some chips and PSU.

I have a +-55/+-110V psu and +-15V aux supply . What would be a safe procedure to test this amp? What is the steady state current of output transistors ?
I have a big auto transformer so I could start at low voltage for HV and LV like how much?

View attachment 4950

You could use +-30VDC connected to LV, forget about the HV for the testing stage, you should be able to hear clean sound.



New member
hello to the owner of this amp .is this is still available? i love reading this thread..and the amplifier u have presented.. i like it..